Are you a mind or body or both?

Sort this out now to live your dream life

Kumar Brar
4 min readJul 6, 2022
Photo by Nhia Moua on Unsplash

Today, I am an avid reader in the self-development field and always working to explore and develop myself in life. I want to live my dream life and for it, I am ready to pay any price. And frankly speaking, in the last 5 years, I have spent numerous hours reading books, watching videos, and attending training to improve myself and the quality of my life.
In the beginning, it was not easy. The decades-long conditioning was always the winner and used to dictate the results. No matter how hard I tried, I was always in the same position. But I never gave up and worked, worked because I wanted to live my dreams — no matter what! Period.

Life before

Photo by Kostiantyn Li on Unsplash

I had been a crazy negative thinker — thinking for hours, days, and months — away from reality and immersed in my self-created world. Believe me, during that time, I used to believe my negative thoughts 100% and that is what I was getting in my life too. This imaginary mind-made movie that was playing in my head, took me away from the real world. My progress in personal and professional life was zero.

And the sad part is, the more I entertained negative thoughts, the more they manifested and convinced me that what I’m thinking about a person, circumstance or event is true. And then my conviction in the negativity got even stronger.

Best Day of my Life

Then, one day, I realized and asked myself: “Why is this happening to me. There are other friends, cousins, colleagues, co-workers, and leaders who are living their dream lives. Their best time has no end and my worst time has no end. Something is wrong with me!

And this turned out to be the best day of my life because I took responsibility for my thoughts on that day.

Photo by Bianca Ackermann on Unsplash

Step by step, I started to learn about myself, my mind, brain, and body. The question which always pops up in our lifetime at least once i.e.: “Who am I?” was in my mind for a long time. I got the answer to this and many other questions bothering me and started the journey of my growth.

I realized that the thoughts created in our minds are not real at all. They always arise considering the situation that we are in or most of the time run wildly on their own. Our mind is made up entirely of thought. If there’s no current thought, there’s no mind.

So, think and re-read the line highlighted in bold. No thought means no mind. And when there is no thought, there is Awareness. Awareness about life, mind, body, brain, thoughts, and most importantly about who am I?

The more I started observing my thoughts instead of getting lost in them, the more I understood them and realized that they are separate from me. That, I can choose to believe them or reject them. I got to know that nothing is wrong with the mind; the problem arises only when I start believing its negative thoughts.

I learned many other things about the mind :

how it has convinced us over the years that we’re a body and a mind.

how it has convinced us about the story of the time. Time is nothing but an illusion — a mental concept created by the mind.

how there is the only present moment. The concept of past and future is really in the form of thought. Otherwise, there is no past or future but only the present moment.


I am nothing but Awareness and the more I remain as Awareness, the more I am in control of my life. This mind is given to us to serve what we want in life and not to govern us.

So, we must think the thoughts which we want to manifest in our life rather than being governed by our negative thoughts and manifesting what we don’t want.

Remember: I am Awareness and I can get whatever I want in life.



Kumar Brar

I am a lifelong learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn new things and share them with others. This helps in brainstorming and implementing new ideas.