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The Power of a simple word — Help Me

Kumar Brar
3 min readJul 3, 2020


In life, we all have our good times and bad times. The times which bring arrogance and the times which bring us back to humility. This is life , full of roller coasters and always trying hard to keep us at ground. Moreover, it is constantly teaching us to seek each other and help each other to reach our individual dreams/goals in life. So, it is always important to yell with all your might the word — “Help me”.

Good Times — You need Help

In good times, we humans believe that we don’t need anyone. We are where we are because of our own efforts and persistence, which is true. But think really, think.

Are we successful just because of our own effort?

Did no one helped us in our journey?

Was there no one to believe in us or give us a chance or support us?

And most importantly, wherever we are today, are not there people helping us to continue with our journey?

The truth is that — As humans, we can not achieve anything remarkable or non-remarkable just on our own. We need help and care, at every phase of life and which we have also got knowingly or unknowingly.

Bad Times — You need Help

It is a human tendency to become more receptive to help during bad phase of life. Somehow, the clouds of ego scatter down and the reality starts to sink in. Suddenly, a feeling comes within to ask for help and receive it which was somehow not there in our good times.

A realization comes that if we have to move ahead from this phase, then definitely, we need to search for right guidance and advice. Then, we start turning to people, books, notes, letters, movies etc. , so as to get a clue or inspiration and turnout our time around.

So, this way we move ahead with the help and guidance of others and turn around our bad times once again and experience the good times in life again.

Never Assume Seeking help is Bad

So, it is very easy for people who are social and have the realization that wherever they are in life — a simple yell for “Help me” can turn around their life.

But there are people who believe that seeking help will make them look like weak or in-confident in their abilities. But there is no such truth because no matter wherever we are in life, we need help.

Think of a world, where we grow our own food without help, make our own car without help, create our own company without help, run our company without help, travel anywhere without help, make a movie without help, write a book without help, share experiences without help, find a job without help. Can you imagine such a world?

No, you can’t and I can’t because we are all linked to each other. We are here to help and support each other in our dreams and goals, so that we all can reach our individual dreams and goals. If we live in a disconnected society, the whole idea will be lost and we will have a bare existence like animals. It is a delusion that sometimes we believe in — like I need no one, I will find my own path. But seriously, can anyone find anything in life or reach anywhere in life without help.


So, never assume asking for help makes you vulnerable. Be confident and deal with your own terms in mind, but always be open for seeking help and extending help in life.

With this, I bid you adieu and think that this article may have helped you realize the importance of help for our overall existence.

Note: I have made every appearance of the word help in bold in this article, so as to make you realize its importance.



Kumar Brar

I am a lifelong learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn new things and share them with others. This helps in brainstorming and implementing new ideas.