What we need to learn in this Corona crisis
Two weeks ago, life was so normal and I was thinking about this virus like any other illness, that comes time and again; then everything returns back to normal. I didn’t have a single clue that in two weeks it will turn into such a big issue or more correctly : an epidemic.
Today, the schools/colleges are closed, offices are working with the minimal staff, roads are empty, stock markets are dropping, travelling is prohibited, airports and railway stations are empty and more importantly borders have been closed and life is coming to halt.
What is happening and why is it happening, is the only thought which is coming in my mind. What is the message behind all this?
- May be mother nature needs some rest.
We have exploited it so much for our own interests without even thinking once for her. Drilling it continuously for oil/coal and various other minerals. Cutting out the forests to build our business enterprises and using the wood for our homes and other needs. Filling it with pesticides to grow more and more food in the shortest possible time. We have always taken from her and never given our fair share back , which is why she is demanding some rest from us.
2. May be our economy needs some rest.
We have exploited our economy also to the extreme. Our greed has stolen more money from the system than putting into it. To fulfil our vested political and economical interests, we are churning the wheel of economy as per our will, desires and needs. We are not paying any attention to the future and how should an economic system must run, but are tweaking it now and then, as per the situation.
3. May be our impatience needs some rest.
In today’s world of Apps and Internet, everything is just a click away from us. We can order food, call our loved ones and book a cab, just with a few clicks. This fast world has made us more impatient, that we now want everything very fast. And when the things don’t move fast as per our will, we get depressed.
It is time that we understand that getting a degree, learning a new language, mastering a new skill, will take their respective time. It is not that everything will happen with a click. So, being patient is really very important and may be God wants that we learn it back.
4. May be we need some rest
We humans have become so insensitive and robotic, that we don’t think and care for others. We are so busy with our wants and challenges, that we have no time to introspect and ask ourselves, “why I am doing that I am doing. What are its implications and how is it going to effect the coming generations.”
This situation will certainly improve and yet again, we all will be out of our homes building our businesses, our countries and economies and more importantly a bright and safe world for all of us. But this time, if we keep in mind the above four points, definitely, we will win.
Then, we will have a happy and beautiful mother nature, wonderful economy, more patience and generous and sensible humans.