Image captured by Kumar Brar

World Environment Day — A day of retrospection and connection with Supreme

Kumar Brar
4 min readJun 5, 2020

I remember my childhood days, when I could feel the fresh breeze while riding the bicycle or playing in the park, while going for a walk with my parents, while playing with the flowers and plants. Life was so simple and full of happiness and peace. At that time there were no concrete jungles and no dearth of fresh air. Life was full of abundance and joy and materialism was at the lowest levels. I think it was heaven.

Let’s us build our heaven again this world environment day by doing these 4 simple things and nourish our souls and our planet.

  1. Come, let’s plant (a minimum of 5 plants) :

Many a times, the feelings of individuality surround us to an extent, that we forget that no matter from where we are and where do we live, we all are humans and we all are connected to each other in some way. We all have this one planet — which is our home and it is the responsibility and duty of each one of us to take care of our home and stop destroying it any further. Let’s focus on our definition of development and tweak it , so as to not hurt our planet any more.

Image by Kumar Brar

2. Come, let’s reset

Image from

Let’s make this year 2020, a year of reflection. Let’s reflect on our life, our habits, our wishes, our desires and our belongings. How knowingly and unknowingly, we have harmed our planet with all these habits, desires, wishes and belongings? How our consumerism and materialism has brought so much harm to our planet? It is a high time that we reset our lives and start a new beginning — always keeping in check how our habits, wishes, desires and belongings can become more beneficial to our planet.

3. Come, let’s Act Right, Think Right

It is high time that we all imbibe this habit of not only to act right, but also to think right. For years, we have been thinking in the wrong way, and this has somehow slowly and gradually created so many problems for us. Today, the frequency of earthquakes, bushfires, flood, violence etc. are all on the rise. And on top of it, we have been hit hard by a pandemic in the name of Covid-19 or Coronavirus. All this has not happened in one day, but is a result of assimilation of our bad thoughts and energies over a long period of time. Now, as a result nature has also become negative and is striking us badly. So, not just act right, but also think right — by giving thoughts of peace, harmony and abundance to each and every soul on this planet.

4. Come, let’s be spiritual

Let’s meditate and connect with our inner self. With time, we will realize, that we do have a very strong connection with HIM ( our supreme father or God). We will then realize that we are so powerful and we are a ocean of peace and prosperity. This race of life will then stop and a realization of oneness with HIM will take place. And then, we will have a feeling of belongingness to this world. We will not be anymore interested in individual goals or desires and all our actions will be directed for the benefit of mankind and nature. This is something, which I am practicing from last 2 years and which has changed me a lot.

Once, we will have this feeling of belongingness, we will take care of everyone in this world without being reminded for it and we will behave more respectfully and responsibly to our planet.

Let’s build our Heaven again…..Inspired from Brahmakumaris and Scientific Religious movement



Kumar Brar
Kumar Brar

Written by Kumar Brar

I am a lifelong learner with an ongoing curiosity to learn new things and share them with others. This helps in brainstorming and implementing new ideas.

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